commissions info


*images of cruelty, partial nudity, character in lingerie, nudes used as part of the reference are acceptable and you can order them

About payment: at the moment, payment is available via HipoLink or Boosty
in case you haven't used Boosty before, you can check out the simple guide

You can check the price-list here or at the link above; 100% payment after sketch approval; If you would like to order a commission, you can can contact me via Telegram, Furaffinity, Art Station, Twitter, DeviantArt, Discord mr-gretto or E-mail [email protected]; To get a commission, provide me with a reference of your character (or a sufficiently clear description with the addition of pictures of details or similar); Try to specify all your wishes for the order as specifically and in detail as possible before you start working on the sketch; I will show you at least 2 steps in the process so that you can make corrections (please be careful and make sure you write down all the requests so that the work goes faster and I can fix everything at once); Large-scale edits to the composition and idea after the sketch stage (stage of line or color) increase the cost of the commission by 10-40%, depending on the complexity of the edits and the commission itself; Please be patient. Some art takes a really long time. Usually it takes from a few days to a month to complete, depending on the difficulty. In case I am delaying an art due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be sure to let you know; You can see the queue of commissions and other works here; If you are in queue, you can change the idea or reject it at any time before I begin work on the sketch. I'll let you know a few days in advance when I can start work on your commission and the sketch for that.

Basic style

Sharp line, elaborate shadows, higher detail

Fullbody 60$
Halfbody 45$
Headshot 30$
Hard bg in basic style 50$+
Simple bg in basic style 25-35$

Simplified style

a softer line, shadows are more simple or completely absent

Fullbody 50$
Halfbody 35$
Headshot 20$
Hard bg in simplified style 40$+
Simple bg in simplified style 15-20$

Simplified style Chibi

simplified eyes, fast

Price 40$
Hard bg in simplified style 40$+
Simple bg in simplified style 15-20$


Additional character
Abstract background
Detailed backgrounds

+100% from the original price
Prices for adding a detailed background are listed below


The cost of the reference is made up of the cost of the elements of a simple order with an additional price for some additions:・ Image of different outfits on the character, using one pose +$10 (provided that there are no more than 3 outfits, if there are more, the price may be higher)・ Separate depiction of character details (clothing elements, objects, eyes, hands, and so on) +10$
*it could be free depending on complexity
You want to order a basic style reference, which will show the only front character's nude body (60), portrait (30), show 2 outfits (10), and additionally the character's eyes and a view of his backpack (10)
So the price for such a reference will be $110

Sticker Pack YCH

5 STICKERS - 50$
10 STICKERS - 90$
20 STICKERS - 170$
30 STICKERS - 250$
If you're taking a set of 5, 10 or 20 stickers, don't forget to include the option numbers with which you'd like to purchase the stickers!・ .゚ Add simple accessories and/or hair: FREE
・ .゚ Minor changes in species (ears, tail, nose, eyes): FREE
・ .゚ Add clothing or drastic change in species: +10% of the original price
・ .゚ Any gender
You can find out about the availability of slots* and other info HERE*A set of slots will open up every 1-2 months, so if you didn't get to borrow it this month, you can wait a bit and grab it the next time it's open!